Discover Strawberry and Chocolate filming locations

2 locations in Havana and Tartu

Strawberry and Chocolate

Set in 1979, following a young Communist man's relationship with a gay Catholic writer, exploring tolerance, inclusion, homophobia and challenging its Cuban audience with great humour. Based on the short story by Cuban writer Senel Paz.
Juan Carlos Tabío
Marilyn Solaya
María Elena del Toro
Antonio Carmona
Mirta Ibarra
Francisco Gattorno
Diana Iris del Puerto
Joel Angelino
Zolanda Oña
Jorge Perugorría
Andrés Cortina
Vladimir Cruz
Ricardo Ávila
Georgina Balzaretti
Camilo Vives
Juan Carlos Tabío
Osvaldo Donatién
Senel Paz
Tomás Gutiérrez Alea
Miriam Dueñas
Miriam Talavera
Miguel Mendoza
José María Vitier
Fernando Pérez O'Reilly
Rolando Martínez
Frank Cabrera
Mario García Joya
Strawberry and Chocolate filming locations

Strawberry and Chocolate film locations

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