Discover Alone filming locations

1 locations in Seville


Maria, whose parents live in the country, cannot stand her father's authoritarian ways and moves to the city. She finds a job as a cleaner and tries to survive in a wretched apartment in the shabby part of a big city. She is pregnant, and the fact that her boyfriend has abandoned her does not help matters. When her father goes to the hospital for an operation, her mother comes to stay with her. Her neighbor, an old recluse whose only friend is his dog, begins to come out of his shell and these three lost souls try to give each other the strength to start over.
Juan Fernández
Cuca Escribano
María Galiana
José Manuel Seda
Sebastián Haro
Rosario Lara
Miguel Alcíbar
Concha Galán
Antonio Dechent
María Alfonsa Rosso
Mariana Cordero
Ana Fernández
José Chaves
Gloria de Jesús
Carlos Álvarez-Nóvoa
Maica Sánchez
Rosario Pardo
Paco Tous
Yolanda Cáceres
Concha Rodríguez
Pau Costa
Jorge Marín
Antonio P. Pérez
Antonio Meliveo
Tote Trenas
Carlos Faruolo
Fabrizio Aguilar
Eduardo Santana
Fernando Pardo
Paca Almenara
José Luis Cubillo Fernández
Benito Zambrano
Alone filming locations

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